Morgan Hollabaugh, M. Ed., BCBA
Tenure with AFL and as a BCBA/RBT overall: I have been with AFL since June of 2019. I was an RBT for 5 months, PC for a little under a year, and now a BCBA here for a little over a year. 2.5 years all together!
Educational/Industry/Career Highlights/Personal Achievements to share: I passed my BCBA exam on the first try and took on a full caseload as a brand new BCBA.
One thing that most people don’t know about me: I love the outdoors and hiking with my husband and dogs.
What brought you to AFL?: Adapt for Life has shown me that working in the clinical setting can still mean freedom to program for clients in a creative way that fits their individual needs and abilities. It has felt like home from day one and is a continual support system both professionally and personally.